CUPS Filters: Converting Filters to Filter Functions


CUPS-Filters provide the filters which CUPS needs to convert job data from the input data to the printer's native language. Filters enable a user to print a file even if the printer does not support the file format. Currently some filters are in the form of standalone executables. This uses a lot of CPU resources for running printer applications due to so many calls for each individual executable. So the primary focus of this project is to convert a few filters (pdftoraster, texttopdf, bannertopdf) into filter functions. These functions would be integrated in a shared library so as to reduce the number of calls to individual filter executables and minimize CPU resources exploitation.


Till Kamppeter, Project Leader OpenPrinting (till at linux dot com), Dheeraj Yadav (dhirajyadav135 at gmail dot com)

Desired Knowledge

C and/or Python programming, GTK

Code License

GPL 2+ or LGPL 2+
