OpenPrinting News - Google Summer of Code 2025 - Project Ideas List posted!
At OpenPrinting we are full steam in the preparations for the Google Summer of Code 2025! Everybody in our team was looking for what we will do next and what can make up an exciting GSoC project …
We ended up with a list of 15 project ideas, of a wide variety of areas: Desktop, security, PDF rendering, and even the automated recognition of the graphical content of a rasterized page.
We have already started looking for contributors end of last year, and many enthusiastic contributor candidates are already chatting with us, watching our videos, reading our introductions, studying our code, doing onboarding exercises …
… and they are eagerly waiting for the project ideas we will post for this year. And here we go, with our official GSoC 2025 project idea list.
And this is a quick overview of what we are offering:
- Qt Print Dialog: Modernize the user interface
- GTK Print Dialog: Modern dialog with built-in preview in main view
- KDE Print Manager vs. CUPS 3.x
- Port pyCUPS to CUPS 3.x API + Apply the new pyCUPS to system-config-printer
- Extend PDFio to be a PDF renderer/displayer
- Utilizing OSS-Fuzz-Gen to Improve Fuzz Testing for OpenPrinting Projects
- Integrating OSS-Fuzz for Multi-Lingual OpenPrinting Projects
- Fuzz-based testing of printing protocols
- Security Auditing for OpenPrinting Projects
- Behavior-accurate simulation of multi-function printers (printer + scanner)
- Image output evaluation for testing of print/scan job processing
- Rust bindings for libcups2/3
- Error response pop-up support for CPDB
- CI Testing programs for libpappl-retrofit and libppd
- cups-filters: Create OCR filter to deliver scans as searchable PDFs
And if you have your own idea, no problem.
In any case, if you want to participate, please contact us immediately, do not wait for the official application time window at Google’s GSoC site. Contact us and you will learn about OpenPrinting, our work, our projects, … you will chat with our developer community, work on issues, … and we will help you on writing your proposal.
Let us all have a great Google Summer of Code this year!
And as usual: Stay updated on Mastodon: #OpenPrinting and
Or discuss on our mailing lists:
- Development: printing-architecture AT lists DOT linux DOT dev (Archive)
- Users: printing-users AT lists DOT linux DOT dev (Archive)
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