

ipptool - perform internet printing protocol requests


ipptool [ --help ] [ --bearer-token BEARER-TOKEN ] [ --client-name CLIENT-NAME ] [ --ippfile FILENAME ] [ --stop-after-include-error ] [ --version ] [ -4 ] [ -6 ] [ -c ] [ -C ] [ -d NAME=VALUE ] [ -E ] [ -f FILENAME ] [ -h ] [ -i SECONDS ] [ -I ] [ -j ] [ -L ] [ -n REPEAT-COUNT ] [ -P FILENAME.plist ] [ -q ] [ -R ] [ -S ] [ -t ] [ -T SECONDS ] [ -v ] [ -V VERSION ] [ -X ] PRINTER-URI TESTFILE [ ... TESTFILE ]


ipptool sends IPP requests to the specified printer-uri and tests and/or displays the results. Each named testfile defines one or more requests, including the expected response status, attributes, and values. Output is either a plain text, formatted text, CSV, JSON, or XML report on the standard output, with a non-zero exit status indicating that one or more tests have failed. The testfile format is described in ipptoolfile(5).


The following options are recognized by ipptool:

--bearer-token BEARER-TOKEN
Specifies the OAuth 2.0 token to use for HTTP Bearer authentication (RFC 6750).

--client-namne CLIENT-NAME
Specifies the client name to use for the TLS client certificate. If not specified, no client certificate is used during negotiation.

Shows program help.

--ippfile FILENAME
Specifies that the test results should be written to the named IPP file. These files can be used with programs like ippeveprinter(1).

Tells ipptool to stop if an error occurs in an included file. Normally ipptool will continue with subsequent tests after the INCLUDE directive.

Shows the version of ipptool being used.

Specifies that ipptool must connect to the printer or server using IPv4.

Specifies that ipptool must connect to the printer or server using IPv6.

Specifies that CSV (comma-separated values) output is desired instead of the plain text output.

Specifies that requests should be sent using the HTTP/1.1 "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header, which is required for conformance by all versions of IPP. The default is to use "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" for requests with attached files and "Content-Length:" for requests without attached files.

Defines the named variable.

Forces TLS encryption when connecting to the server using the HTTP "Upgrade" header.

Defines the default request filename for tests.

Validate HTTP response headers.

Specifies that the (last) testfile should be repeated at the specified interval. This option is incompatible with the --ippfile (IPP file output) and -P or -X (XML plist output) options.

Specifies that ipptool will continue past errors.

Specifies that ipptool will produce JSON output.

Specifies that plain text output is desired.

Specifies that requests should be sent using the HTTP/1.0 "Content-Length:" header, which is required for conformance by all versions of IPP. The default is to use "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" for requests with attached files and "Content-Length:" for requests without attached files.

Specifies that the (last) testfile should be repeated the specified number of times. This option is incompatible with the --ippfile (IPP file output) and -P or -X (XML plist output) options.

Specifies that the test results should be written to the named XML (Apple plist) file in addition to the regular test report (-t). This option is incompatible with the -i (interval) and -n (repeat-count) options.

Be quiet and produce no output.

Forces (dedicated) TLS encryption when connecting to the server.

Specifies that CUPS test report output is desired instead of the plain text output.

Specifies a timeout for IPP requests in SECONDS.

Specifies that all request and response attributes should be output in CUPS test mode (-t). This is the default for CSV, JSON, and XML output.

Specifies the default IPP version to use: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 2.1, or 2.2. If not specified, version 1.1 is used.

Specifies that XML (Apple plist) output is desired instead of the plain text report. This option is incompatible with the -i (interval) and -n (repeat-count) options.

Exit Status

The ipptool program returns 0 if all tests were successful and 1 otherwise.


The following standard test files are available:

    cancel-current-job.test           - Cancel the current job
    create-job.test                   - Create a job and send a document
    create-job-sheets.test            - "" with banner
    create-job-timeout.test           - "" with timeout
    create-printer-subscription.test  - Create a printer subscription
    cups-create-local-printer.test    - Create a local print queue
    fax-job.test                      - Fax a file (for fax queues)
    get-completed-jobs.test           - Get a list of completed jobs
    get-job-attributes.test           - Get attributes for a job
    get-job-template-attributes.test  - Get job ticket attributes for a printer
    get-jobs.test                     - Get a list of not-completed jobs
    get-notifications.test            - Get notifications for a subscription
    get-printer-attributes.test       - Get attributes for a printer
    get-printer-attributes-suite.test - Test Get-Printer-Attributes conformance
    get-printers.test                 - Get a list of printers
    get-subscriptions.test            - Get a list of subscriptions
    identify-printer.test             - Identify a printer
    identify-printer-display.test     - Identify a printer via the display
    ipp-1.1.test                      - Run IPP/1.1 conformance tests
    ipp-2.0.test                      - Run IPP/2.0 conformance tests
    ipp-2.1.test                      - Run IPP/2.1 conformance tests
    ipp-2.2.test                      - Run IPP/2.2 conformance tests
    print-job.test                    - Print a file
    print-job-and-wait.test           - Print a file and wait for completion
    print-job-deflate.test            - Print a file with deflate compression
    print-job-gzip.test               - Print a file with gzip compression
    print-job-hold.test               - Print a file and hold
    print-job-letter.test             - Print a file on US Letter media
    print-job-manual.test             - Print a file with manual feed
    print-job-media-col.test          - Print a file using "media-col"
    print-job-media-needed.test       - Print a file and test for "media-needed"
    print-job-password.test           - Print a file with a password/PIN
    print-job-raster.test             - Print a generated raster file
    print-uri.test                    - Print a URI/URL
    pwg5100.1.test                    - Test PWG 5100.1 (Finishings) conformance
    pwg5100.2.test                    - Test PWG 5100.2 (output-bin) conformance
    pwg5100.3.test                    - Test PWG 5100.3 (Production) conformance
    pwg5100.5.test                    - Test PWG 5100.5 (Document Object) conformance
    pwg5100.6.test                    - Test PWG 5100.6 (Page Overrides) conformance
    pwg5100.7.test                    - Test PWG 5100.7 (Job Extensions) conformance
    pwg5100.8.test                    - Test PWG 5100.8 (-actuals) conformance
    pwg5100.9.test                    - Test PWG 5100.9 (Alerts) conformance
    pwg5100.11.test                   - Test PWG 5100.11 (Enterprise) conformance
    rfc3380.test                      - Test RFC 3380 (Job and Printer Set) conformance
    rfc3995-3996.test                 - Test RFC 3995/3996 (Notifications) conformance
    rfc3998.test                      - Test RFC 3998 (Admin) conformance
    set-attrs-hold.test               - Test setting job-hold-until to hold a job
    validate-job.test                 - Validate a job ticket
    validate-resources.test           - Validate printer resource files and web pages

The following standard document files are available:

    color.jpg                         - A color photo of a flower
    document-a4.pdf                   - A 4-page A4 PDF document
    document-a4.ps                    - A 4-page A4 PostScript document
    document-letter.pdf               - A 4-page US Letter PDF document
    document-letter.ps                - A 4-page US Letter PostScript document
    gray.jpg                          - A grayscale photo of an Alcatraz doorway
    onepage-a4-300-black-1.pwg        - A one page A4 PWG Raster document
    onepage-a4.pdf                    - A one page A4 PDF document
    onepage-a4.ps                     - A one page A4 PostScript document
    onepage-letter-300-black-1.pwg    - A one page US Letter PWG Raster document
    onepage-letter.pdf                - A one page US Letter PDF document
    onepage-letter.ps                 - A one page US Letter PostScript document
    testfile.jpg                      - A color photo collage
    testfile.pcl                      - A HP-PCL homage to "The Shining"
    testfile.pdf                      - A historical CUPS PDF document
    testfile.ps                       - A historical CUPS PostScript document
    testfile.txt                      - A plain text homage to "The Shining"

Conforming To

The ipptool program is unique to CUPS and conforms to the Internet Printing Protocol up to version 2.2.


Get a list of completed jobs for "myprinter":

    ipptool ipp://localhost/printers/myprinter get-completed-jobs.test

Send email notifications to "user@example.com" when "myprinter" changes:

    ipptool -d recipient=mailto:user@example.com \
        ipp://localhost/printers/myprinter create-printer-subscription.test

See Also

ipptoolfile(5), IANA IPP Registry (https://www.iana.org/assignments/ipp-registrations), PWG Internet Printing Protocol Workgroup (https://www.pwg.org/ipp), RFC 8011 (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8011)


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